Slow week

Week 8: 3/7-3/11

What did I do this week?

Alas, the week before spring break. I was expecting a lot of exams this week, but I actually had none. Instead, my week was relaxed. So, my partner and I started planning out how we would implement our heap. Because this is a topic in OS, both of us already have experience in the different ways of implementing a heap.

What’s in my way?

As it was for many weeks before, this week’s main obstacle is my own laziness (b/c Spring break!) and the project. It’ll take some effort for us to work on the project, but hopefully we’ll get some work done.

What will I do next week?

Because my partner and I are in seperate cities at the moment, I hope to meet up with him more regularly to finish up this assignment as soon as possible. I will also begin work on my classes as there is basically no pause on homework from University.

Recent Discovery

In spirit of the AlphaGo AI that has defeated a world champion in Go, I found an online course that provides an introduction to Deep Learning.

Written on March 7, 2016