New beginning

A new year = new (and old!) resolutions

This week starts the new semester. I have many aspirations for myself, and I think it’s best to have them written down so that once this semester ends, I can see which areas I have actually committed to and which areas still need improvement.

  1. Write more

    Aside from my devotions, this blog will be my main method of writing down things. My plan for this blog will range from technical CS topic tutorials to impactful Bible passages to my attempts of trying to grasp concepts presented in papers that I read.

  2. Read more

    This is something my parents have tried drilling into me. I’d say their efforts aren’t in vain. I’m trying to cultivate a desire to actively seek out time to read books. Hopefully this ideal won’t be a stretch.

    Book List

    1. Complete Volume of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    2. Holiness of God by RC Sproul

    3. The Road to Character by David Brooks

    4. Letters from a Skeptic by Gregory Boyd

  3. Manage my time better

    This is always on my list of things to improve on. I find it easy for me to waste time scrolling through Facebook or finding myself 4 hours older but no wiser without any reasonable reason. This semester will be tough for me as I will be trying to do research, continue serving at Koinonia, and participate in more IM sports (the list goes on and on).

  4. Improve my people skills

    I am a broken person, and anyone who interacts with me knows that. Whether it is my lack of empathy or lack of action, it pains me to reflect in retrospect on the situation I was in.

I’m sure there are many other goals I have for myself this semester, but to keep it short, I got to cut it here.

Written on January 20, 2017